Team Members



Abdul Kudra Biyusa has BSc. Horticulture, and MSc. Crop Science, both from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), and PhD in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi.

He has enhanced his skills beyond the academic sphere to include training in Leadership, Conflict of interest and conflict of Commitment Standard Practices, Corporate Governance, Financial Management, Results Based Management, Personal Mastery and Social Skills (PMSS), climate risk assessment for agriculture and scientific writing.

He has vast experience in research, training, and consultancy in the agriculture sector for over 13 years in areas of crop protection, Horticulture, Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), and agroecology.

He is knowledgeable and experienced in facilitating rural innovation processes, project development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Abdul is a founding member of FARM Co Ltd.



Ramadhani Omari Majubwa is a technical expert in agriculture/ horticulture (production and postharvest). He has over 13 years of experience working on agricultural programmes and projects throughout the country, East Africa and beyond.

He has an excellent knowledge of the agriculture sector and strong experience in training, research, and consultancy. Ramadhani envisions to solve challenges facing key stakeholders along the agriculture value chain in the country and region with the highest level of commitment and due diligence.

Ramadhani holds a PhD in Horticulture Sciences from the University of Florida, USA as well as a MSc. in Crop Science and BSc. Horticulture from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania.

Ramadhani is among the directors of the FARM Co Ltd and a founder member of the sister NGO MKULiMa LIFE.



GEORGE MUHAMBA TRYPHONE holds a PhD (Plant Breeding) from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). His main specialty is crop improvement. His research interests include breeding for resistance, marker assisted selection, molecular and biotechnology, and climate change resilience. 

Dr. Tryphone has knowledge and skills in agricultural research design, research field management, data handling, analysis, and scientific research report writing.  Further, he has extensive experience in various works for improving food and nutrition security and environmental sustainability. He is currently a member of different cross-cutting projects.

He is a founding member of FARM Co Ltd and a sister NGO MKULiMa LIFE.


Maulid holds a PhD (applied entomology) from the Sokoine University of Agriculture. He has vast experience in crop protection, consultancy and training. Maulid’s interest includes applied entomology, ecology, integrated pest management, phytosanitary, agroecology, fumigation and crop protection laws.

He has held various posts in management and governance. He is also a lawyer, and an advocate of the High Court of Tanzania. Maulid is a founding member of FARM Co Ltd.